The full, unedited text of Trump’s “Second Amendment People” tangent
Donald Trump recently made headlines by seemingly calling for gun nuts to assassinate Hillary Rodham Clinton before she could take away their precious, precious murder machines. The Trump campaign denies that Trump was calling for his followers to gun down the former secretary of state, but it turns out that Trump wasn’t ad-libbing, and that he actually cut the most incendiary parts of the speech. I somehow stumbled this lost section and present it here in its entirety.
“Look, if Hilary is elected and she stacks the Supreme Court, if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks.
Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I don’t know.
Am I saying to murder Hillary Clinton now? Of course not. That’s why I say this: kill Clinton. Her being Clinton, the lady Clinton. I’m not talking her total embarrassment of a husband, who couldn’t even win a third term. I already signed on for fifth and sixth terms, I’m actually negotiating with the electoral college now, but that’s neither here nor there. I’ll be a hundred years old but my brain will be in one of those Iron Man suits. I’m working with Tony Stark on it now, wonderful man, great business mind, totally real in our world, not just in comic books.
But anyway, kill Clinton. Kill her so dead. Huge, huge, gunshot wounds. Death shot. One in the head.
That’s why it’s outrageous for the press to say that I’m saying this: Kill Hillary Clinton. Or even that I’m repeating that phrase over and over again, as if to serve as a trigger for a Manchurian Candidate type assassin, say a guy like Colonel James Ford Washington. Look, James Ford Washington, what I’m NOT telling you to do is get a high powered sniper rifle, hole up at the Lincolnshire Hotel on October 18th so that you can kill Clinton after she talks to the young Democrats of Maine at 7:30 PM.
Let me make this as simple as I can, folks. Look, I’m not NOT not un-urging people concerned about 2nd Amendment rights to un-kill Clinton, but maybe I mean the opposite. I hope that clears things up.
I don’t know. I hear a lot of people talking about murdering Clinton, so good night folks. Kill Hillary Clinton!”
In some ways, this seemingly supports the assertion that Trump was calling for his opponent’s assassination. Phrases lie “Kill Clinton”, repeated constantly, seem to suggest Trump wants Clinton to be killed, but he also repeats more than once that he’s NOT calling for Clinton’s murder, so it’s an ambiguous, tricky situation.
Is Trump calling for Clinton’s murder? People are talking, and I hear things, so I’m going to give it a solid MAYBE on my patented Rabin Possibility-O-Meter