Butthurt Libtard: A Poem
You call me “Butthurt Libtard” when you post your racist meme
Yes, I am a “Butthurt Libtard” and let me tell you what I mean
My butt hurts for the indigenous warrior
While he cries a single, perfect tear
My butt hurts for the forgotten soldier
Pouring shots of gin in his cheap beer
My butt hurts for the suffering, my butt hurts for the dying
My butt hurts for the desperate and the crying
My butt hurts for peace, and hurts for social progress
My butt hurts for a world where we love more and hate less
My butt hurts for you, my butt hurts for me
And my butt hurts for the social ills you know but CHOOSE not to see
Nathan Rabin is a columnist, dad and the author of five books, most recently 7 Days In Ohio: Trump, The Gathering of the Juggalos and the Summer Everything Went Insane, which was just released in an expanded version. He is a very silly man.